FAQ - Nordgröna Pixel Reindeer Moss

Is the Reindeer Moss alive?
The lichen is no longer alive and does not require any maintenance or water or sunlight. It does not attract dust or insects, and is hypoallergenic. The lichen will retain its shape, colour and texture.

Is the Reindeer Moss picked sustainably?
Yes. Our Reindeer Moss is picked by hand, following strict rules in terms of environment and sustainability across an area of about 15.000 km² (5800 mi²) and is certified by ISO 9001 & 14001.

Does the Reindeer Moss remain soft?
The preserved Reindeer Moss will indicate the current humidity by feeling soft above 35% RH, and hard below. It does this by absorbing and releasing ambient moisture.

Are the products suitable for outdoor use?
The Reindeer Moss products are intended for interior use only. We do not recommend exposing the Reindeer Moss to rainwater.

Does the Reindeer Moss attract insects?
No. As the Reindeer Moss is stabilized, the lichen does not provide any nutritional ground.

Does the Reindeer Moss have a scent?
The Reindeer Moss has a subtle, natural scent which decreases over time.

Can the Reindeer Moss trigger allergies?
The treated Reindeer Moss do not contain any common allergens.

Where are the products produced?
All of our products are hand-made at our production facility in Arlöv, Sweden.

Are the products fire-resistant?
Yes. The Reindeer Moss products have an ASTM E-84 Class A fire rating, meaning they have the lowest fire spread rate and the strictest rating for building materials.

What is the warranty of the product?
A two-years warranty

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